Omar A. Mehanna

Independent Board Member
Audit & Governance Committee Member
Risk Committee Member

Mohanna is Chairman of Prometeon Tyre Egypt Co., the largest tyre producer in Egypt, and a subsidiary of the multinational tyre manufacturer Pirelli. He is also Chairman of Chubb Insurance Egypt, and Chairman of Chubb Life Insurance Co. Egypt. Both companies are subsidiaries of the US multinational insurance group Chubb. Mohanna is also member of the Board of Directors of the investment banking Firm CI Capital and of Corplease Egypt, the leading leasing company in Egypt. He is also a board member of B Investments, a private equity holding company and of Palm Hills Developments, a real estate development company.

Omar Mohanna is former Chairman of Suez Cement Group of Companies (SCGC), one of the largest cement producers in Egypt and a subsidiary of the German Multinational Group Heidelberg Cement AG, a world leading cement producer.

Mohanna’s over 25 years of commercial and investment banking experience with Egyptian and international financial institutions has culminated in the position of Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Egypt Arab African Bank (EAAB). He also held the position of Managing Director of Accor Hotels Group in Egypt and has been a member of the Board of Directors of diverse companies.

Mohanna is active in a number of organizations serving the interests of the business community in Egypt. He is the Past President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AmCham Egypt) and is Chairman of the Egypt-US Business Council. He is also a member of the Italian Egyptian Business Council, the German Egyptian Business Council, the French Egyptian Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, the Egyptian Businessmen Association and Egypt’s International Economic Forum.

At the broader community level, he is a Board member of the Association for the Protection of the Environment, and member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Relations.

As an economist, industrialist and active member of the business community, Mohanna has brought his knowledge and expertise to bear at the policy level. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) and is Chairman of FEI’s International Relations Committee.

In addition, Mohanna is Chairman of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES).

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